Local histories of water and soil conservation in Baishui, Shaanxi

Picture of Mao on wall of former school building in Gounan village, Baishui County.

In April 2020 I published an article titled “The Contradictions of Conservation: Fighting Erosion in Mao-Era China, 1953–66” in Environmental History that discussed water and soil conservation campaigns in Shaanxi Province 陕西省’s Baishui County 白水县 during the 1950s and 1960s. The piece drew upon research conducted during several visits to Baishui in 2016 and 2018.
Originally, I intended to make a StoryMap to share additional images related to the article but (to put it mildly) it has been difficult to get things done over the past nine months or so. In any event, I have finally finished making a StoryMap to accompany the article.
I intend to make similar ArcGIS maps to accompany several more forthcoming publications on Mao-era water and soil conservation programs.